Imprint & disclosure

Inhaber & Betreiber der Website

Company name: Hotel Restaurant Grünwalderhof Ribis Gastronomie GmbH
Adress: Ribis Gastronomie GmbH Hotel Restaurant Grünwalderhof Römerstraße 1 A-6082 Patsch
Registered office: Lanserstraße 71 A-6080 Igls
Managerial responsibility: Mag. Hansjörg Ribis
Number of commercial register: FN 383825Z
Court of commercial register: Landesgericht Innsbruck
Chamber affiliation: Wirtschaftskammer Innsbruck
Supervisory authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Innsbruck
Trade regulations: Anwendbare gewerbe- oder berufsrechtliche Vorschriften: Gewerbeordnung 1994, abrufbar unter


Tel: +43 512 377304 E-Mail: UID: ATU67527624

Bank details

Raiffeisenbank Neustift-Mieders-Schönberg IBAN: AT76 3628 5000 0004 7712 BIC: BTVAAT22

Design, programming & hosting:

Huber Web Media GmbH Mils A
u 70 6493 Mils bei Imst Tyrol – Austria
Tel.: 0043 650 4488663 Mail: Web: UID: ATU 77423049

All contents have been examined carefully, however no guarantee can be made regarding accuracy, completeness, and topicality. Liabilities caused by the use or misuse of the information offered, or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are strictly excluded.

Liability for links:
Our website contains links to external, third-party websites for which our organisation is not responsible. We have no influence on the content of these websites, but the operating companies of these sites are exclusively responsible. No unlawful contents were in evidence at the time the links were created.

Image rights:
The images which appear on this website are protected by copyright and are non-binding. © Huber Web Media – all rights reserved.
Hotel images: © Archiv Grünwalderhof
Region images: © Innsbruck Tourismus Fotograf:innen: Kathrin Baumann, Jonas Schwarzwälder, Daniel Zangerl, Helga Andreatta, Tom Bause, Andre Schönherr, Erwin Haiden, Vorhofer, Christian Vorhofer, Alexander Haiden, Frank Heuer, Markus Mair
Kristallwelten: © Tirol Werbung, Sebastian Schels StuBay: © StuBay Tirol Experience: © Tirol Experience – Emanual Kaser, Un Attimo Photography

Copyright: All texts, graphics and images are protected by copyright and may not be used unless prior permission has been obtained from the owner.

Purpose of the website: This website serves to inform the user about goods and services of our organisation.

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